Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bad Judgement

What was I thinking?  What the H-LL was I thinking when I booked this zipline excursion?  We are getting ready to drive over to the "Flight of the Angel" which should really be called the Curse of Satan!  80 miles per hour, over 1500 feet off the ground.  Twice!  There and back.  OMG. What was I thinking and where are the good drugs when you need them?  Thank God there is still some Patron left in my water bottle from when Bruce came to visit.  I wonder if I have time to attend Mass before we depart?

If I should not return from this adventure, I wonder if people will say "Well, at least she died pursuing her passion!"  As if getting hit in the head at 80 miles an hour by a seagull is anyone's passion. What was I thinking???


  1. All I could think of is "You go, girl!"
    You will live to tell us all about it. Just have fun =.D

  2. Jeanne, school is out, 2 of the three graduations are over, so I got up early this morning, put on a pot of coffee, and decided to read through your entire trip, starting with Carena's graduation! You have me laughing and crying! What an awesome adventure for you two! Now I am dying to go to Croatia...and of course my heart is always in Italy. I am hoping you ran into Fabio-Stefano, or at least some look-alikes, in some of the Italian villages! When you decide to quit your job and travel the world as a photo/travel journalist...please take me along..i will carry your bags, or even learn to drive in the Italian style to chauffer you around! Can't wait to see you when you return! :) !!
