Friday, July 15, 2011

Is the grass always greener?

Do you ever pass strangers on the street and wonder what their lives are like?  I don't usually indulge in this this sort of pastime, but when I came across the guy in the picture below the other night, I found I could not help but wonder about his life.  I'm sorry the picture is not very clear, but that's what happens when you see something so completely odd that you have to first drop everything you're carrying, then dig through your purse for your cell phone, and then run half a block to get close enough to take a picture:

The man is carrying a lifesize headless mannequin.  Every so often he would stop and adjust it in his arms.  First, it was slung over his shoulder, with the severed neck dragging behind him.  Then he had it gripped across the breasts so that he and the mannequin formed sort of a "T" with the man's body, but he was too wide on the sidewalk, so finally he settled on this grip, across the kneecaps, which seemed to suit him.   All the while he was talking to the girl next to him, as if this was just a normal thing to do. There was not any discussion at all referencing his odd baggage, such as, "When we get home, let's dress up this mannequin", or "I hope my mannequin will fit on the back of my motorcycle." No. Instead they chatted about a song they had heard on the radio and what they planned to do for the weekend, as if carrying a mannequin down the streets of San Francisco at 10 PM at night on a Wednesday was a normal thing to do. 

Who knows? Maybe he always walked around with a mannequin, to avoid feeling lonely.  "Bring a friend," said the invitation.  "Why, don't mind if I do!  I just happen to have a mannequin-friend who would love to come along!  Of course, she doesn't have a head, but don't mind that.  She's quite pleasant otherwise. A great listener!"  I find myself wondering if she is heavy, or maybe she is very light. Maybe she floats, and the reason he wants her is because he is planning on surfing at Ocean Beach the next morning, and his surfboard was stolen.  Riding the waves on a mannequin might be fun, after all.  Hmm.  This is San Francisco. Maybe he just wants to ride the mannequin while his girlfriend watches.  It couldn't be that they would want to have the mannequin watch, because she doesn't have a head.  I don't know.  This is why I don't spend much time wondering about the lives of strangers.  You never know what you might discover.  I guess I should just mind my own business. My mannequin-less business.

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